Friday, 10 December 2010

my old garden

I just found some photos Kat took of my balcony garden when she visited me in Berlin. It was such a lovely little garden.. An onion-themed oasis surrounded by concrete.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. There isa lot of content from my old blog here. I deleted this blog ages ago because I didn't want it on the internet any longer, and now I see lots of it here on YOUR blog, and I'm not comforable with that. Where did you find this content? I tried to find your email adr. here, but couldn't find it anywhere, so I am writing this as a comment instead.

    Please, will you delete all the content from my old blog?
    If not all, then at least some of it, if you get in touch I can let you know what I'd most appreciate that you'd remove. My email adr is :
